Gen.era: Digital Genomic Alliance To Explore New Market For Acceleration

GEN.ERA is a project where five EU life Sciences clusters and agency partners join and share their international competences and know-how to improve the scale-up of European companies (Start-ups and SMEs) involved in the genomics value chain apply to healthcare, by a facilitated and successful collective access to a targeted global market.

Codice progetto:
No 951197.
Valore totale:

Soggetti attuatori


The consortium is formed by five bioclusters:

Risultati attesi

Five European life science clusters join forces to improve the scale-up of member companies operating in the Genomics value chain.


the objectives of the project are as follows:

Objective 1: C

reate a shared vision centered around the genomics value chain, capitalized on our specialization and strengths.

Objective 2: Identify the most promising international markets for our SMEs

Objective 3: Prepare SMEs to competition, giving the keys to success

Link to GENERA project website


GENERA_D5.2_CBIOS_Communication Toolkit_Flyer

GENERA_D5.2_CBIOS_Communication Toolkit_Brochure


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) under agreement No. 951197

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